
Mar 25, 2021
Dumpster fire of the vanities
The self-regarding born-to-rulers have been exposed as graduates of the Benny Hill school of gender studies...

Mar 7, 2021
Granny killers and rapists
The crimes get worse and more frequent, the perps are more numerous and the sleaze and sexism spreads wider,

Jan 14, 2021
The Trumpists are thriving in Oz
"Facts sometimes are contentious aren’t they? What you might think is right somebody else might think is completely untrue..."

Dec 8, 2020
2020 and the anus horribilus
How does a beer chugging, crotch-stained galoot, this shonky grifter and chancer get a 66% approval rating as Prime Minister?

Nov 17, 2020
Downfall. Bunker Boy starts his run for the big house.
No grace, no dignity, no humility, no magnanimity, no class, no morals, no empathy, no soul.

Jul 24, 2020
Sooty unveils RortKeeper
We may all be up to our collective armpits in ordure but there is something deeply satisfying in watching Bubble and Squeak at the podium, b

Jul 12, 2020
Bye bye Mathias. Is Spud next?
Despite, or perhaps because of his appalling record, his shifty deals and his Hayekian world view Pubert is held in high regard by the Torie

Jun 12, 2020
Will Smirko jump the shark?
As with the Republicans, the L/NP modus operandi is the game of mates and as with the Republicans it has become shamelessly blatant.

Apr 28, 2020
Watchin' Scotty Grow
What we have is the scorpion and the frog scenario (hint: we're the frog). Morrison cannot resist his inclinations.

Feb 28, 2020
It Can't Get Any Worse. Can it?
The L/NP coagulation's existence is, and always has been, to function as the primary mechanism for their corporate chums to shovel publi

Feb 6, 2020
R.I.P. Daggy Dad. The rebranding of ScoMo.
No amount of re-imaging, spin, deflection, dissembling, humbug and lying can cover up for this nightsoilsman and his noisome product.

Jan 9, 2020
Where's Poida?
Scotty from Marketing's covert desertion of an incinerating Australia in favour of a sun lounge and mai tais on a Waikiki beach during t