Aug 29, 2019
Young Fogies. Generational change in the LNP
Young fogies, hoorah henries, Gordon Gekko wannabes, rugger buggers, offspring of the squatocracy and vapid socialites in Burberry cardigans
Jun 24, 2019
Going for gold in the Cunt Olympics
There's plenty of international competition to top the medal count for outstanding achievement in cuntedness so how does our own conting
Jun 18, 2019
Danger UXB
Anyone thinking we'll have three years of calm, considered and competent governance is in for a rude shock.
Jun 10, 2019
It's a horror movie
Peter Spud-Dutton delivers a masterful rendition of evil incarnate, carrying over his nightmarishly effective role as J Edgar Tuber.
Jun 6, 2019
No time for wusses
Many folk complain about the lack of civility in political discourse from the pollies, the pundits and the peripheral participants. Such fol
May 30, 2019
Feline Metathesiophobia
Ignorance, apathy, timidity. Three more years of incompetence and self-serving ugliness. Thanks Australia!
Apr 22, 2019
Demise of the Knucklehead
Technology is NOT the domain of the LNP Luddites. They wouldn't know a circuit board from an inlet valve. And they don't care!