
Jan 25, 2024
Spud has his tail up
With some clear air replacing the stale waft of curry a certain truncheon-headed autocrat thinks the planets are aligning in his favour.

Oct 15, 2023
A farce only a monster could love
'No' voters have denied First Peoples a means to improve their lives they have also endorsed Dutton's Trumpification of Oz politics.

Jul 27, 2023
From national embarrassment to personal humiliation
The jerk with the smirk embarrasses us and humiliates himself.

May 2, 2023
Submarines and Parking Tickets
They don't belong in Opposition. They belong in the discards pile of too-offensive pub trivia questions.

Oct 31, 2022
I see dud people
They may have dropped the constant, asinine, look-at-moi dress-ups of the moronic galoot but they've not abandoned the concept entirely.

Oct 9, 2022
Newscorp polishes the knob
The remnants of the Tories are now re-grouping under new management to reactivate the fear and loathing that is their default strategy.

Aug 30, 2022
The Tory talent pool
The L/NP machine is so invested in the grift, so committed to quackery and deceit that they won't change.

Aug 17, 2022
Papering over the crackpots
It will be interesting to watch how the Tories repackage their unsellable bunko brand as being a credible alternative government.

Jun 27, 2022
Cuddly Pete
Cuddly Pete Dutton - the re-imaging of a fascist-curious tuber by the Murdoch propaganda machine.

May 27, 2022
So long, and thanks for all the pish
Labor, the Greens and progressive independents have routed the bastards. It's a bright new day and I will now retire my ScoMo sledges.

May 17, 2022
Oh loathsome me
The focus groups have confronted him with an uncomfortable truth - he is a widely detested creep.

May 3, 2022
The Gaffer Tapes
It is not entirely clear to me when Smirko Morrison's re-election campaign jumped the shark....when did it all start to go wrong for Smirko?